Drag and Drop Sortable List Using ReactJS
In this article, we’ll create a Drag and Drop sortable list using React JS. Within this web application, users can effortlessly rearrange­ a list of items through the simple act of dragging and dropping....
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How to Change Bootstrap Accordion Background Color ?
To change the Bootstrap Accordion background color, target the .accordion-body class and apply a background-color property via custom CSS. Alternatively, use Bootstrap utility classes like .bg-primary, .bg-secondary, etc., for predefined background colors....
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How to col align right in Bootstrap 5 ?
Bootstrap 5 provides a series of classes that can be used to apply various styling to the tables such as changing the heading appearance, making the rows striped, adding or removing borders, making rows hoverable, etc. In this article, we will learn how we can right align the content in Col. We will create a row with 2 cols. One col on the left with its contents, and the second col with its contents aligned right....
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TypeScript void Function
TypeScript is a popular programming language used for building scalable and robust applications. TypeScript void function is a function that doesn’t return any value, or returns undefined....
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How can I get the index from a JSON object with value ?
In this article, we are going to learn how you get an index from a JSON object with value. we have given a value we need to search for that value with its key in the given JSON object and print the result in the console....
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React-Bootstrap Carousel Controlled
React-Bootstrap Carousel Controlled is a feature that allows you to style engaging images or content sliders for your web pages. React-Bootstrap’s Carousel component provides control, enabling you to take the reins over the carousel’s content, navigation, and behavior....
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TypeScript Object Type Optional Properties
In this article, we are going to learn about Object Type Optional Properties in Typescript. TypeScript is a popular programming language used for building scalable and robust applications. In TypeScript, an object type can have optional properties, which means that some properties of the object can be present or absent when creating objects of that type. Optional properties are denoted using the ‘?’ modifier after the property name in the object type definition....
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React-Bootstrap Carousel Individual Item Intervals
React-Bootstrap Carousel Individual Item Intervals is an attribute of the React Bootstrap component used to set a duration for individual images present in the corousel. By using this, we can set a different duration for all images present in the carousel component....
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How to Use API Keys authentication in Postman
Postman is an API(application programming interface) development tool that helps to build, test and modify APIs.  In this tutorial, we will see how to use API Keys authentication in Postman....
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How to create a Multi Step Progress Bar in HTML CSS and JavaScript?
In this article, we will create a multi-step progress bar. A Multi-Step Progress Bar is a user interface element created with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It guides users through a series of steps or stages, visually displaying their progress and allowing step-by-step navigation in a multi-step process or form....
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How a Function Returns an Object in JavaScript ?
JavaScript Functions are versatile constructs that can return various values, including objects. Returning objects from functions is a common practice, especially when you want to encapsulate data and behavior into a single entity. In this article, we will see how a function returns an object in JavaScript....
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How to make div fixed after scroll to that div ?
In this article, we will see how to make a div fixed after you scroll to it by using the position property with a sticky value. This effect is generally used on websites when an important message needs to be shown. Set the property position to sticky to create elements that behave as fixed positions whenever the user scrolls to that position....
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